Adding Auxiliary Files

Besides the ini file, you can add auxiliary files to the OVOC's Software Manager.

To add an auxiliary file to the OVOC's Software Manager:
1. Access the relevant Global or Tenant scope (see Accessing Scopes).
2. Open the OVOC's Software Manager page (System > Configuration > File Manager > Software Manager).
3. Click Add and select Add Auxiliary File from the drop-down menu.
4. From the 'Tenant' drop-down, select the tenant under which to add the auxiliary file.
5. From the 'File Type' drop-down list, select the auxiliary file to be added.

Add Auxiliary File

See the device's User's Manual for more information about device-related files.
The CERTIFICATE file secures the following connections:
Active Directory server (domain controller)
MSSQL Front End server
LDAP User Authentication
The X.509 PRIVATE KEY, X.509 CERTIFICATE and X.509 TRUSTED ROOT CERTIFICATE files are AudioCodes certificate files that secure the connection between OVOC and the devices.
The X.509 files are for all the security files, including LDAP.
These files may be default AudioCodes certificate files or files generated by an external CA. For more information about certification implementation, see the One Voice Operations Center Security Guidelines.
A logo image file, to be displayed in report results, can also be added in this screen. See also Defining a Report.
6. Enter a description of the file in the 'File Description' pane for intuitive future file management.
7. Next to the 'File Name' field, click and browse to the file's location.
8. Enter a description of the file in the 'File Description' pane for intuitive future file management, and then click OK; the file is added to the Software Manager.